I have traveled so far

so long

so hard

to cross this street.

I have worked

for years

for miles


to become this individual

so distant

from the one I began as.

To think that this building

was so recently

so foreign to me

as Sao Paulo

or San Diego

or Sal's Pizzeria,

leaves me speechless

shocked at how

I have changed

evolved, matured

into this species before you

so much better than before.

I am so honored to have arrived

in this way

and yet, it's easy to say

there is so much further to go

so much required

that will make even this journey

appear as nothing

for finally, that's what it shall be.

There can be no resting on laurels

as I grow, mutate

into something new

but still

I must take a second

to appreciate how I crossed this street

when I came to it.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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