Please try to understand.

It's not that we're not sympathetic

it's just that

we don't necessarily understand.

We don't all suffer the indignities

of being forced to ride Coach

or having incompetent maids

or assistants who quit.

Some of us do not always acknowledge

the tribulations that trail you.

Not everyone can appreciate the difficulties

you go through.

Some of our spoons are plastic

not platinum.

Some of us have not had the misfortune

of the Orient Express being unavailable as a birthday gift.

Some have lived in blessed ignorance of your pain

my friend; they do not see.

Forgive them; they know not how you live

for they are simple folk

they, like me, try to gather in the greatness

and the misfortune that plagues you

but sometimes, we can't absorb it all.

We try

but we can't understand.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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