The walls appear to be moving

or is that me?

I don't know. I'm at a loss

to do much of anything.

Awake now

for what feels like three days

though it's been less than three hours

and I just don't know

how to wake myself up.

I have given up caffeine

sworn off that demon bean

living the cold turkey vaccine

until I am free and clean.

But, I am suffering so.

Shapes before me

seem eight dimensional

and people are speaking languages

no human should ever speak.

I do not understand

what goes on around me.

I am confounded by the simplest things

the smallest of sounds shocks me

and I wish I could shrug off

this bewilderment

this exhaustion

this strange state of being

that surrounds me.

I am so tired.

I am so wasted.

I am so small today

and the world seems so big

and the walls are moving


and one cup of coffee would make it go away.

one cup of coffee would make me feel at play.

'One cup of coffee' is all I'd have to say

to the man behind the counter at my favorite cafe

but I won't, I refuse, so in misery I stay.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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