She dances for his pleasure

she massages his weary brow

she allows him pleasures



just a few short years before.

And she is tired

she has lived through so many sleepless nights

for his entertainment

for his sake.

She works hard

to please

to satisfy

to keep him happy

to keep her safe.

She does not know how long

this can continue

how many more nights

she can quench his insatiate soul

salve his suspicions

humor his inhumanity.

She hates him more than she could imagine

just a few short years before

and wishes

this reign of terror

could end.

Still, she aims to appease

and does

night after night

indulging his fantasies

capturing his attention

saving her from his self.

She uses her wiles

as best she can

and will

for as long as necessary.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

hosted by DiaryLand.com