I hide in plain clothes site.

The uniform they wear

is mine

for I am just like them

one among many

one of the prisoners

one of the captives

one of the boarding school brats.

We are surrounded

by authorities

who pressure me

punch me

make me their bitch.

They bully and bruise

and they give me an education

like none I'd have imagined.

To think my family pays for this

but not half as much as I do

suffering day by day

with these man-children

surrounding me

abusing me

causing me pain.

It is a fate I will never wish on my boy

if I ever have children

after this seemingly life sentence.

I hate this year

with conviction

loathe this trial by testosterone

these awful days

these wretched nights

these horrible days

in the penal colony.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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