I'm sorry.

I know it's annoying

and frustrating

and I know it's not good for either of us

but sometimes

I just need to come back

make a pit stop


to recharge.

I need to go home.

I'm sorry

it upsets you

when I call you Home

but this is how it is for me.

You are the warm place

the womb I must enter

to regain composure.

You are what I seek

after racing the bases

evading the balls.

You are what protection

I need from the threats of the world.

I'm sorry

it endangers you

leaves you anxious, angry, extensively irked

when I reenter your existence

When I darken your doorknob

with my duplicitous presence

it is destructive.

I am sorry that you are the only thing that refreshes me

but that it is not mutual

is what I am most sorry for.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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