Somewhere, somehow

in this grand quagmire of a universe

I believe

- I am sure, in fact

that there is an explanatory equation

a clarifying quotient

a formula

that clearly defines love.

There HAS to be.

In all the alternate realities

and hyperspacial anomalies that make up my life

there has to be some way to render intelligible how I feel for you

and conversely, you me.

I have faith in a scientific explanation

that makes us make sense.

Perhaps affection plus attraction divided by time.

Or maybe sex times money minus your mother�

I dunno.

But I do know

I hope, at least

that some day

there will be some way to make sense out of us.

And I think

if we wait long enough


we'll understand why we feel.

2005 - 2004 - Late 2003 - Early 2003 - Late 2002 - Early 2002 - 2001

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